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Advising and Coaching


Advising and Coaching are the best way to practicing macrobiotics. We will meet with you and create a Health Action Plan that fits your needs - taking into consideration your health goal, lifestyle preferences, and family/social/work requirements. The coaching sessions will provide you with the guidance whenever you get stuck or need an advice.


It can be done on a regular basis, such as once a week or twice a month or on any schedule that is more convenient for you.


We are here to support you on your path to a better health!!



1.5 Hours - $75.oo


Session includes:


  • ​General Health Evaluation

  • Healthcare Recommendations

  • Health Improvement Plan

  • Educational materials



30 Minutes - $25.oo


Session includes:


  • General Lifestyle Evaluation

  • Lifestyle Changes Recommendations

  • Health Improvement Plan Review

  • Dietary/Remedy Recommendations


You must have done an Advising or Macrobiotic  Consultation prior to your first coaching session.

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